How long will the sea moss or cacao last in the received packaging?

The dried Sea moss we ship to you is good for as long as you keep it dry. It should be stored in a dry space. If you feel it moisten you can simply place in the sun to dry it out again. Once you’ve made your sea moss gel it will stay good in the fridge for up to 2 weeks. Add a splash of lime or lemon if you feel it turning to extend the date a bit. We also recommend allowing the gel to breathe. Keep the lid open or cover with cheese cloth. We’ve found great success with this for eliminating the “sea” flavor
* Cacao will stay good in the bag out of heat or you can choose to refrigerate if you’re concerned.

How much gel can I make with 1 pound?

Answer- We recommend making each sea moss batch of gel with 50 grams. This will last 1 person 2 weeks, there are 453 grams in a pound

How do I consume sea moss ?

Once it’s cleaned properly you can cook with it, make vegan desserts with it, make it into a gel and add to smoothies or your favorite blended drink, you can take a spoonful from your gel, make it into gummies, make skin & hair care products with it. *please visit our Instagram for more ideas. https://www.instagram.com/seva.seamoss?igsh=MXNxY3YxMXZybWVu&utm_source=qr

Is sea moss safe for kids?

Yes! As soon as you begin feeding your baby food is when you can incorporate sea moss

Can I take sea moss during pregnancy?

yes! We highly recommend sea moss as a natural alternative to prenatal vitamins. (Please use your own intuition and research to determine what is best for your body)

What do I do with the sea moss when I get it?

store in a dry place and begin preparing your sea moss for consumption with this video https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6RmMy7g26w/?igsh=MWJleWNtYzBqenpxYw==

This is not medical advice